With a new job getting the kids ready for school it was hectic. It was a wet summer and the garden did not do well but we did get some stuff canned. I have not been out shooting like I wanted to. With fall coming I hope to change that. I had my first portrait shot the other day and I am happy with the results. I have a couple of ideas for some shoots but lining up willing participants may be difficult. Last night I forced my self to go out and shoot a little and got some results I am happy with. I also have some new gear and will be talking about it later.
So now for the pictures. I ventured out after dinner to O. O. McIntyre Park District's Raccoon Creek County Park. I thought I would just hike around and see what jumped out as interesting. While hiking I ran across a mushroom. With light I used my tripod and 10mm extension tube on my 70-300mm.

I shot a quick Panorama overlooking the hills of the area.

While leaving I grabbed a bracketed shot of the Hummingbird Gazebo to try to put together an HDR. Using QTPSFSGUI

Last I stopped in town at the Bandstand in the Gallipolis City Park and snapped another set of bracketed shots for an HDR of the Bandstand after dark.

Thanks for looking and enjoy!