I had the opportunity to photograph Shawna and Shawn. This brother and sister were very energetic and fun to work with. They were so excited to have their picture taken. I look forward to shooting them again.
From 1957 till 2010 Green Elementary served the children of Green Township in Gallia County and beyond. After 53 years of service to the community sadly it is time to say goodbye. The Gallipolis City School district, through the generosity of the State of Ohio and local taxpayers, has built 3 new schools and remodeling a fourth. Green Elementary was one of the ones to be replaced. The new Green Elementary building is almost complete so a few weeks ago demolition began. Before demolition I was afforded the opportunity to photograph the school that I spent my entire elementary education at.
Welcome to Green Elementary.
With the classrooms empty of the desks it just seems like yesterday since I ran these halls, played on the play ground and learned important lessons for life.
Some of the last students of this institution were allowed to leave one last message to the building that served them and many others.
So with a heavy heart and memories of Green Elementary,
Several weeks ago I entered a Twitter contest to go to a workshop in Akron with Matthew Jordan Smith. I actually won! This was a random twitter drawing sponsored by Profoto.
Here is the promotional video for the workshop.
So today I talked with Matthew on the phone and I am excited to attend. Matthew has photographed Oprah, Vanessa Williams, Jennifer Connelly, Halle Berry, Brittany Spears, Mandy Moore, Jamie Foxx and other celebrities. He also does work for Pantene, L'Oreal , Revlon and Olay. Be sure to click the link above and take a look at his work.
So be sure to come back soon and see what I have learned!