Gallia County EMS is one of the few EMS systems that still does extrication. Most areas the fire department does the rescue. As the weather gets worse drive safely. I really hate using these.
In EMS and Fire we live by the pager. It goes off, we go. Wherever. Whenever. For some reason the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to be busier than normal. Making you want to throw the pager out the window.
Walked into my grandmother's for Thanksgiving dinner this afternoon and the place settings were outstanding as well as the food. Great afternoon with family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
This time of year we always seem to have oranges around. They never seem to be around long though. This one was around long enough to photograph. It was then quickly eaten.
With HD video and now 3D video recorders, I often look at my grandfather's wind up 8mm movie camera. State of the art at the time. No batteries required. Just wind the key.
100 days complete! It has taken the right combination to get to this point. It has taken dedication to keep up with this project. It has taken the help of my family to keep me going and supporting. I have enjoyed this project, O have learned a lot about myself, my creativity, and how to push my abilities. I am looking forward to the remaining 265 days
I always want to squeeze as much as I can out the toothpaste tube. My kids want to throw it away and get out the new tube. Well time to go get the last squeeze out of this tube.
The story goes that Mickey Mouse was going on a journey and Minnie Mouse made him a bear to take with him on his travels. Mickey named him Duffy. So this is Duffy Bear, Disney's newest character and cuddly friend.
Our choice of hotels for this trip was Disney's All Star Music. It has a quiet atmosphere for a Disney Hotel and plenty of activities for the boys. This was from our last morning at Disney as we were preparing to head back to Ohio.
Here at Broadway, the Broadway section of Disney's All Star Music Resort. All is quiet for another evening. After a swim in the pool and mini-golf, it is time for bed to start again tomorrow.
This morning we watched the fog clear from the high summit of Everest. Preparing for our expedition to search for the Yeti we headed out from Annapurna by train.
Tomorrow night the time change is upon us. It is a reminder to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. Changing these batteries could save your families life. Every year people die in house fires because the batteries in their smoke detectors were dead. So as the temperature begins to drop, go get some batteries this weekend to change the ones in your smoke detector.
As Christmas approaches do not forget Ohio Hiker Photography offers a wide variety of moldings and mats for your custom framing project. Stop by The Home Place on Second Avenue today to see our molding and mat samples and place your order.
I am not a big coffee person, but I enjoy Dunkin' Donuts Coffee. So as I was getting up this morning I setup this shot with my bag of Dunkin' Donuts Coffee and my Coffee press.
This is the cylinder and valve of my toy steam engine. The steam engine still works and from what I can tell it is from the 1930's. I am not sure if it is a Weeden Steam Engine or a Holly Overtype. I love the craftsmanship of an item that was considered a toy.